Hall of fame

*Update* I’ve actually been on TV a couple of times now and been in quite a few magazines and the odd book, but rather than put the new mentions in here, I’ve decided to just keep this page as it was in 2011. I don’t like to blow my own trumpet (I wouldn’t leave the house if I could), but I do like to look back on the times when I was blown away to be mentioned in a forum. It reminds me of how humble my very limited “success” has been.



It’s weird where stories of the little C90 seem to pop up. Here’s some of the most memorable. I never google my own name…honest 😉

Magazines and Newspapers


German motorcycle magazine MOTORRAD.

About 3 weeks after the second C90 europe trip I got an email from one of my German Elefantentreffen friends, Plong. He said that he was looking through his magazine and saw that we were in one of the articles about the Elefantentreffen rally. He then contacted the editor saying that we were after three copies of the magazine but lived in England. The editor then sent out three copies free of charge to us in the UK!!! 🙂

We’re the top centre picture. I’m having the text about us translated but I haven’t got it back yet.

 Motorcycle Monthly

In June 2011 the three of us rode up the the UK Horizons Unlimited Rally in Ripley, Derbyshire so that I could give a talk about our C90 trips. About a month later I was told about that Lois Price had written about the event. And there was a picture of the C90’s and a lovely paragraph about us too!!



“But the machines that attracted the most attention over the weekend were not the hotshot GS 1200s or even the battle-scarred BMWs of authors Sam Manicom and Simon Roberts. No, the ‘People’s Choice’ rosette (if there was such a thing) went to the Cornish C90 crew who demonstrated not only that Tesco shopping baskets make an excellent luggage system but that the old advertising slogan is true – you do meet the nicest people on a Honda.”

Thanks Lois 🙂



Random blogs and websites (these give the funniest quotes)

XT225.com    –    Favourite quote “This boy is beyond help”

There was another Horizons Unlimited in the UK in September 2011 and I took my C90+C90 sidecar outfit to it. About a week after the rally I discovered this forum thread which was a write up about the event and I was mentioned in it.


“but the weekend prize of all prizes has to go to this bloke – Ed March and his C90 combo.”


“he had nicked his mate’s C90 which had blown up, removed the front wheel and then welded what remained to his own C90 as a ‘one of a kind’ sidecar. And what’s more, he’d ridden it to Cheddar from Devon complete with a shopping basket full of beer stuck on the front, without getting arrested or dying. This boy is beyond help and very amusing in that English eccentric sort of way ! His talk on Saturday – the Elephant Rally on a C90 and camping in the Alpine snow without a tent or very much else was an experience. He was last seen preparing to ride home to Devon on the same contraption!
Not sure whether the pillion finally joined him though!”



HorizonsUnlimited.com     –     Favourite quote “The guy is nuts – but in a good way”


I was browsing the feedback from the HU June Rally and noticed I was mentioned a couple of times.

“Ed and mates Elefant Rally.What the three of them achieved was so amazing and whenever any one tries to denigrate the youth of today to me in the future I shall quote the achievements of these lads and their friendly demeanour”

“The talks were fantastic – in particular I loved Ed March’s talk about the run out to Germany to the elephant rally on a… C90… the guy is nuts – but in a good way.”



Ratbike.org forum     –     Favourite quote “he’s got a proper old style atittude to bikes”

I got sent a link to this message board that I appeared on.


Seems he liked our custom t-shirts too haha 🙂

“but theres no saying he will turn up.
i meet this guy at the horizons unlimited doo, last weekend. he road to the elephant rally on his own on a c90 then went back the following year with 2 mates all on 90`s, these guys are brill. there adventures are amazing they are going to africa in a few months agin on 90`s.
i got a few piccys of his bike, the reason its a outfit is his mate could’nt make the doo so he gave his bike to crise and with the saying”never leave a man behind” he lashed it together. he rides it all over the place like this and its as leagle as anything i would bother with, he’s got a proper old style atittude to bikes.”