One man, one camera, no idea Wednesday, Jul 3, 2024

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Alaska to Argentina - page 2

The big one! 3 years, 45,000+ miles, -33oC, +45oC, started with my girlfriend Rachel, ended solo.

A2A Episode 2: Dalton Highway to Prudhoe Bay

Well hello, and welcome to Episode 2 of the Alaska to Argentina trip: The Dalton Highway. Below, you’ll find my most involved video update yet 🙂 So I hope you enjoyed the video and it hit the spot. As I said at the end, I’m very happy with it, and I think it’s my best… Keep Reading

A2A Episode 1: Where the f**k has Ed March been?

Alaska to Argentina Episode 1: Where has Ed March been? Well bend me over and call me Filbert! I’m back!!! Let’s get straight to it – here’s the video. So hopefully the video made some sort of sense (although I doubt it….I made it), and you’re a little closer to understanding exactly what I’ve been… Keep Reading

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