One man, one camera, no idea Thursday, Sep 26, 2024

Category archive

My first ever ride and blog (Europe 2009).

Yesterdays pics

just some pics of yesterday, (northern france isnt very exciting haha) and a picture of my bed last night too 😉 it wasnt too bad actually but my handlebar muffs were frozen in the morning? ok, im off to Belgium now Keep Reading


About 100 miles outside of Calais

Today hasn’t been too bad. It’s only just stopped raining which is a nice break from having to wear all my waterproofs. I managed to come off on a roundabout earlier because surface water hid a pot hole/ trench but luckily because the road was so wet I just slid into the Kerb a bit… Keep Reading


You should never be afraid of your roots.   Here’s my first ever blog, complete with first ever videos. They’re crap, but they show an important part of how I started out. Plus, if you’ve just started and your stuff is crap, don’t worry, mine was too 🙂 Keep Reading

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