“Extreme” UK C90 riding ;)

The word ‘Extreme’ is probably false advertising but it’s what some people say when they see the videos.

Ice riding

When in gets to winter in the UK, all the cars get stuck, the 4×4’s only go out when they have to and the bikes stay firmly in the garage….all except the C90.

This is little compilation made from various filmed on my phone. Untill you’ve ridden a C90 on ice you can’t imagine how easy it is just throw it into a corner covered in ice and just drift round.

Also, for legal purposes I definitely did not film this footage one handed on my phone……nope definitely not.




I always take the C90 offroading but this was a bit different because I took her to an organised enduro in Somerset in OCT 2011. I knew I wasn’t going to win any prizes but if I could make people laugh and embarrass or at least take the lime-light from the shiney KTMs then it would be worth it. I sheared off my footpegs after taking a jump too fast but loads of people rallied together to cabletie and duct tape them back on and I was off again 🙂