M2UK Introduction

Malaysia to UK Introduction

Well here we are. This trip is actually happening.
About two years ago I came up with the idea of riding the length of Vietnam on a C90. Then as a casual question I asked a colleague “I wonder if you could ride back from Vietnam to the UK on a C90.” His response was “Don’t be stupid a C90 won’t make it back from Vietnam” And at the moment the idea was set in stone.
Anyone who knows me will know that if you say my C90 or I can’t do something….It may take a while, but I will prove that we can.
I met a Malaysian Motorcycle journalist at a bike rally and she was adamant that I should ride through Malaysia as well. So I thought, “why not?” It’s only an extra 1000 miles or so and so that was the plan decided: I’ll fly out to Malaysia, ride up through the whole length of Vietnam and then back overland to the UK.
I’m leaving 27/11/11 and my C90 is leaving 21/11/11, from that point on I have no planned routes, no timescales (except visas) and no idea what to expect. But then, that’s the whole point of the trip I suppose.
I am planning for the trip to take 7 months so that I can make a presentation about it at the 2012 UK Ripley Horizons unlimited Rally.