Will it make it to Moab? series on USB stick

Recommended price: £20.00

Recommended price: £20.00

SKU: Moab USB Categories: , Tag:


This is a completely custom designed by me 64GB USB stick in the shape of Willy and contains all 6 episodes of the Will it make to Moab? series.

To create it I took all the measurements of Willy and then reduced him down to 1/25th scale, and then turned him into a USB stick that can be assembled without tools or glues.

The video files in him are in a bitrate at least 4 times that of YouTube, so the GoPro and drone footage doesn’t go all blurry when things start moving fast.

Please allow some time for production and posting as 3D printing really isn’t that fast, and I have to check each one to make sure it was made correctly. Oh and I’ve got to cut the axles out of metal too.

And as stated at the end of Episode 6: This is not a toy, and don’t eat it or put it inside you in any way.

Here’s the video showing the USB stick some more detail (starts at 43:57) https://youtu.be/X1fJdMXaIp4?t=2637

Here is a video showing how to assemble Mini mini Willy. https://youtu.be/xbtQ-CH-r5Q

Oh and should you break him during assembly or you sit on him etc, he is easily repaired with superglue, or if it’s a total write-off, email me and I’ll get the replacement parts sent out.