One man, one camera, no idea Sunday, Jul 7, 2024

Category archive

Malaysia to UK - page 2


Hitler finds out about my trip *comedy* *Explicit*

  This is a little comedy video that I concocted in my mind while riding, and while in Dubai I decided to actually make it. It’s meant to be tongue cheek and was just a bit of fun but I still believe in the overall message it gives. I also uploaded the wrong version that… Keep Reading

Nepal 2

    So here we are; the second and final Nepal update. After returning to Kathmandu after trekking to Everest Base Camp I decided to head to Pokhara because I heard they had some good extreme sports there and some good off-roading too.   The ride was about 200 miles or so I think and… Keep Reading

Nepal and Mount Everest

So welcome to the Thailand to Nepal update. This video update is split into two because of the speed and reliability of Nepal internet. If this works it’s taken 3 days to do! This is the first part from Thailand to Nepal. And this is the second part where I go to Everest. (second video… Keep Reading


Phew, that video took ages to put together, my single core netbook is really feeling the strain now 🙁 all it can do is cut and paste video together but it should do the trick. I’ve been trying to upload it for 4 days now and without much luck. I did have clips of BBC… Keep Reading


  If you’re reading this then you’ve probably already watched the video and if it’s had the desired effect then hopefully you’re going “WHAT THE ****” or not… which case I just had fun being a big kid haha. So basically since the last update I’ve finally left Pattaya and I’m continuing my quest to… Keep Reading

Engine rebuild and Pattaya

    So here I am in Pattaya post rebuild. The total cost was about £28 and that included new valves, carb seals, piston, rings, rebore and all labour and even an oil change! Granted it was a surprise and I still don’t really know why it happened but this is whole reason why I… Keep Reading

Malaysia to UK: Merry Christmas everybody

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!   THIS UPDATE IS IN HD!!!!oooo technology To those of you who are following me and don’t celebrate Christmas because of your religion, don’t worry, most people in the UK only celebrate it to get drunk……..and if you don’t get drunk because of your religion….then never mind haha. This is only a… Keep Reading

Malaysia to UK: In Thailand

This is very much on the fly but the pictures and Youtube video should work together hopefully. So here I am in Thailand. It’s only been a week since my last update but so many things have happened if I don’t keep up it’ll get even more overwhelming to make an update. Right then… After… Keep Reading

Malaysia to UK: Arriving in Penang

Arrive in Penang So I’m now on the island of Penang and have covered 450 miles so far, and have actually started heading towards home. Just before leaving KL I decided I needed a back rest for the C90 if I’m going to do over 20,000 miles. I got given an old back rest off… Keep Reading

Malaysia to UK: Still in Kuala Lumpur

Hmmm upgrades (videos) This cost me £3.80 fitted, what a bargain 🙂   I asked the chap in the shop if he has one for a C90, he said he has a new one for a C110 and he can weld it to fit…all for £3.80! I wonder how much Touratech would charge? haha  … Keep Reading

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