Malaysia to UK: Day 1, customs

Day 1 Customs

Well here we are.

The 6 hour bus ride followed by the 14 hour plane journey wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and after getting a hotel for the first night I went early in the morning to get the little 90 free from customs.

The process seemed to be made a lot easier by the fact that the customs inspector seemed far more interested at laughing at the thought of rusty old 90 going the 20,000km back to the UK with a sweaty bearded mess piloting it, than actually checking over the docs and engine and chassis numbers. But then that’s why I ride the bike I do I suppose 🙂

It took 4 hours and then I was let loose on my first Malaysian road, I rode in my first monsoon at 45mph (painful) and met up with NZ (a friend I made at a Horizons Unlimited rally I gave a talk at) and another friend called Hadi Hussien I made on Facebook through NZ.

He rode his 150cc bike from Malaysia to UK last year covering 24,000km doing my almost exact route. I’m staying in his house tonight for free and his knowledge of overland biking and hospitality is endless.

I’m hoping I adapt to this heat a bit better, it’s 30oC+ during the day and no matter how much I drink I sweat so much I haven’t been to the toilet all day.

At some point it looks like I might need to form some sort of plan, I still don’t have any idea of where to go, what to do or how long to do it for. But so far, being flexible and open minded seems to be working pretty well (I’m off now to have a shower and bed in the lovely free apartment I’ve been given the keys to)

Enjoying Every Second
