The Malaysia to UK DVD!!!!

UPDATE!!!! It’s done….it’s actually done!!!

Head to to get yourselves a copy

Hi guys,

If you’ve seen all of my videos, know what a “Kickstarter project” is and just want a copy of the DVD of my trip then click here to get a copy

If you’re a bit confused by what this is all about, then carry on reading.

The DVD for my Malaysia to UK trip is on the horizon, but I feel that it needs to be properly edited and produced and that’s why I need your help.

I’m using a crowd-sourcing service called Kickstarter to fund the production of it.

How does it work? You simply visit my Kickstarter project here and pledge towards the project. Basically £10 for a digital download, and £20 for a hard-copy on DVD. There is a target of £7500 that needs to be reached by March 24th 2013. After that time, if the target was met, then your pledge is collected and the production starts, and when finished, you get a copy of what you pledged for. If we don’t meet the target, then you don’t hand over any money, and you don’t get a copy of the movie. It’s a no risk way of backing a project.

Below are some more details about what the DVD will be about and why it’s costing £7500.

The route I rode (except for flying around Myanmar and Pakistan)

The route I followed

1) In November 2011 I shipped my little 1989 85cc Honda C90 to Malaysia with the plan of riding her back home. And that was the only plan, I organised visas and vaccinations and that was it. What followed was 14,500 miles and 8 months of pure adventure. I rode through Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam Nepal, India, Dubai, Iran, Turkey and Europe.

2) Two weeks into the trip I decided to buy a waterproof handheld video camera and started filming what was happening to me, with the aim of one day making a movie of my experiences.

3) There was no camera crew, no support vehicle but most importantly, no-one to tell me what a stupid idea was. Everything that happened to me was real and involved real people. I’ve watched so many ‘adventure’ programs and wondered if the situations are real or just clever camera angles and scripting. This movie offers something they cannot; you can watch this, enjoy it, and say “I want to do that” and you can.

Yes this actually happened in front of me!
Yes this actually happened in front of me!
Riding through the mountains of Nepal
Riding through the mountains of Nepal

I also filmed a music video while on the ride back. This is my favourite video I made, I definitely recommend a watch to understand my sense of humour

Is my music video blocked on Youtube? then watch this version on Vimeo:

My C90 is always on my mind (motorcycle music video) from c90 adventures on Vimeo.

4) Why Kickstarter? And why is it costing so much?

I want this movie to be the best it can be, and if I edit it, it won’t. That’s why I’m using Kickstarter to fund professionals to produce it and make something that can be truly enjoyed by all.

The costs/time break down as follows:

Converting footage into FCP compatible format – 1 day

Watch footage (approx 20hrs) – 2 days

Assemble Edit and rough cut edit (5days per 30mins) – 10days

Fine Edit – 5days

Script VO – 2days

Picture Lock Changes and Fine Tune – 1day

Sound Mix – 2 days

Online edit – Colour grade in Blackmagic Resolve – 2 days

DVD Compression – 1Day

DVD menus (Extras/bloopers makes it more complicated) – 2days

DVD cover design – layout and copy – 1day

That’s the time that it will take a professional film maker to produce the finished movie. 29 days and £6000. Yes £200 per day sounds high but these are professionals so you’re paying for their equipment but also and most importantly, their expertise. And a plumber will charge more than £200 per day. There is an extra £1500 to produce the DVDs and get the music licenses as well.

And that’s where the £7500 comes from.

Could I make it myself? Yes, but the computer and software required would cost nearly that amount, plus it would probably be crap haha.

5) Don’t know what to expect? I recommend watching my India video update here

And for another idea of my sense of humour I recommend this video which I made while in on the trip too *contains adult language*

So there we are, I hope I’ve explained everything well enough and have been as open as possible in explaining what the project is about and what is involved.

UPDATE!!!! It’s finished and can be bought at

Many thanks

Ed and 90