One man, one camera, no idea Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Category archive

Malaysia to UK

The Malaysia to UK DVD!!!!

UPDATE!!!! It’s done….it’s actually done!!! Head to to get yourselves a copy Hi guys, If you’ve seen all of my videos, know what a “Kickstarter project” is and just want a copy of the DVD of my trip then click here to get a copy If you’re a bit confused by what this is… Keep Reading

Malaysia to UK, my first feature film.

It’s done! It’s finally actually properly done. It nearly killed us all but we got through it, came out the other side and have an amazing finished product. First thing’s first: buy a copy….buy 2…buy enough to re-tile your bathroom at Second thing’s second: THANK YOU! From me and 90. Thank you for being patient… Keep Reading


So….Europe The trip was coming to an end. In Turkey I had to change my rule of not spending more than £5 on a hotel room to a limit of £10 but now I was in Europe this basically wasn’t possible anymore. So now I had to commence operation “Hedge” This was now my kind… Keep Reading


Towing on my C90

  Sorry for the delay on the Europe/Final Update. I’ve now jot my job back and a house so I can now sit down, relax and do it how I want. To help me get on my feet I’ve started selling some of my ‘toys’, including my 1 tonne powerboat. I had to move the… Keep Reading


  So then….Turkey Turkey was a strange country to ride through, I rode nearly 1500 miles through the entire length of it and not much really happened that was very interesting at all. But then after riding through Iran anywhere will seem quite dull I guess. I’m still happy with the update and think it… Keep Reading


Europe updates coming soon….

This is just a quick update that isn’t actually an update to say that I will be doing the remaining updates within the next week and the reason I haven’t done them yet is because I haven’t had any spare time since I’ve returned to the UK. I’m actually unemployed and homeless at the moment… Keep Reading


  So then, the Iran update.   As you saw from the video, Iran was full of so much stuff and was definitely not what I expected. When I was ‘planning’ the trip in the UK beforehand, I was quite nervous about riding through Iran and was looking at ways to go around it. Bt… Keep Reading

My C90 is always on my mind *motorcycle music video*

This is the main YouTube video but it is blocked in USA, Canada, Germany and Bermuda:   This is the alternative Vimeo video that should work worldwide, if you have any problems then email me: Haha so there it is: possibly the stupidest thing I may ever put to film. 🙂   Filming it took… Keep Reading


  So here we are in Dubai   This was definitely not part of the plan. Due to not being granted a Pakistan Visa and my time rapidly depleting I was forced to ship the bike from India to Dubai and then get the ferry into Iran from there. This was expensive to say the… Keep Reading


  So…India….Where to start?   When people try to describe India, they often fill it with so much of their own opinion that it loses it’s credibility. I’ll only be dealing in facts and what I’ve seen.   The place is dirty, there’s no way getting around it. In Nepal the hygiene was questionable but… Keep Reading

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